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  • An intermittent catheter that is self-contained within a drainage bag is a good solution for catheterization and urine collection.

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  • The hydrophilic Female Intermittent Catheter has a hydrophilic coating covering the catheter, packaged together with a sterile water sachet.

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  • A small lubricant jelly sachet is integrated and packed with the intermittent catheter. The easy burst sachet is very friendly to those patients who have weak finger dexterity.

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  • Intermittent Catheter for Women is a qualified product made from DEHP-FREE PVC material to facilitate catheterization for women.

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  • Hydrophilic Pediatric Intermittent Catheter is an individual package, packing together with a catheter covered by a hydrophilic coating and a sterile water sachet.

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  • Intermittent Catheter is designed to make catheter insertion and removal as smooth and easy as possible for the patient. It features polished and rounded heated eyelets to minimize friction. And two tips for choice: a soft, rounded tip that aids smooth insertion; code tip is designed for easy insertion through complicated passages.

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  • Intermittent Catheter Male Coude is a better choice for male patients who have difficulties in using Intermittent catheterization because of its innovative design of code tip.

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  • The Hydrophilic Intermittent catheter includes a coating catheter, a sterile water sachet, and a unique no-touch handling sleeve to provide an intermittent catheter that allows the catheter to be prepared, used, and discarded without the need for direct hand contact with the catheter.

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  • Once the sterile water sachet is squeezed and sterile water flows out, the hydrophilic coating will be immediately activated with water and form a smooth surface so that it diminishes the friction during insertion and removal very well.

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  • A Jelly catheter contains a 12-fr urinary catheter, a no-touch sleeve, and a jelly pack. Jelly for catheter is water-soluble, and the jelly bag is easy to burst which is friendly to those with impaired hands abilities.  When the user squeezes the jelly bag and jelly lubricate the disposable catheter, and form a smooth surface so that it reduces the friction. The disposable catheter has three lengths, for male use, female use, and pediatric use.  Male catheter sizes from 8Fr to 18Fr, female catheter and child catheter sizes from 6Fr to 12Fr.

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  • Straight-tip catheters are the commonly used intermittent urinary catheters, while some people may find they are unable to insert a straight-tip catheter.

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  • Regardless of where to go, any type of change of routine may come up with one question for people who need intermittent catheterization. What type of catheter is convenient and suitable for carriage? This Hydrophilic Intermittent Catheter Closed System is right the answer.It is composed of essential parts and optional components. The essential parts mainly include a hydrophilic intermittent catheter, a sterile water sachet, and a urine collection bag. The catheter is contained inside the bag, closing to an introducer welded on the bag, and together with a sterile water sachet. A cap with a ring covers the introducer tip to protect it. The optional components focus on disinfection.Prominent advantages of this Hydrophilic Catheter Closed System include that the system provides hydrophilic catheter and sterile water sachet. The catheter can provide nearly friction-free movement without lubricating gel, and its sterile water helps to avoid contamination from tap water. Furthermore, the introducer is designed to minimize urinary tract infections.This Hydrophilic Closed System Intermittent Catheter Kit supplies male, female, and pediatric catheter covering sizes from 8Fr to 18Fr to meet all demands.

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