The Closed System Intermittent Catheter Kit was designed with children in mind to help kids, kids’ parents, or kids’ caregiver to implement intermittent catheterization under a more convenient way
View More +The Closed System Intermittent Catheter Kit was designed with children in mind to help kids, kids’ parents, or kids’ caregiver to implement intermittent catheterization under a more convenient way
View More +The urinary Catheterization Kit comes with a urinary bag. There are two types of choice. One with a gel lubricating catheter, the other with a coated catheter, and a water sachet for activating coating.
View More +The BEVER trumpet Nasopharyngeal Airway is made from medical-grade PVC material. Its soft trumpet is much comfortable and the blue color is more acceptable.
View More +The BEVER flange Nasopharyngeal Airway is made from medical-grade PVC material and its flange is a safe design that is hard and never deforms, preventing the airway slides right down the nasal cavity. The striated design on the inner surface prevents blockage of secretions and is good for suction catheterization.
View More +This Nasopharyngeal Airway is made from a soft, flexible silicone material that is not made with natural latex, making this device the ideal solution for patients with latex sensitivity.
View More +The nasopharyngeal airway is an adjunct that can be used to obtain/maintain an open airway. The nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) is also called a nasal airway, NPAT (nasopharyngeal airway tube), or nasal trumpet. It provides a conduit for airflow between the nares and the pharynx.
View More +The Pre-Lubricated Nasal Airway is an adjunct for securing the airway of a conscious or unconscious patient. It is a 28Fr nasopharyngeal airway featuring a smooth, pre-lubricated, beveled tip with a soft flexible material that can be safely and easily administered by any care provider. Its unique design allows for patient comfort while inserting and indwelling and ensures proper depth of the airway, maintaining proper placement throughout transport.
View More +The green nasopharyngeal airway is a trumpet-shaped airway that, be used in general anesthesia, intensive care, and emergency medicine for airway management and mechanical ventilation. The tube is inserted into a patient's nose to ensure that the airway is not closed off and that air can reach the lungs
View More +Subglottic secretion drainage helps remove oral and/or gastric secretions from above the endotracheal tube cuff before they can be aspirated. Such aspirations may to a very serious complication known as Ventilator Associated Pneumonia(VAP). Subglottic suctioning reduces VAP by an average of 50%.
View More +Cuffed Reinforced Endotracheal Tube has the typical left-facing bevel tip and Murphy eye and a low pressure- high volume cuff. These tubes are reinforced by the spiral wire inside, hence the name Wire-reinforced Tracheal Tubes.
View More +An Endotracheal Tube with Cuff is a flexible plastic tube that is placed through the mouth into the trachea (windpipe) to help a patient breathe. The tracheal tube cuffed is then connected to a ventilator, which delivers oxygen to the lungs. The cuff of the endotracheal tube is designed to provide a seal within the airway, allowing airflow through the ETT but preventing the passage of air or fluids around the ETT.
View More +This Nasal Preformed Endotracheal Tube Cuffed is inserted through the mouth or nose into the trachea and connected to a ventilation device to secure an airway. Nasal RAE tubes are also described as 'north-facing', since the tube connector facing towards the patient's head after placement.
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